Time to start putting down some of my ramblings as an ice hockey goalie. Now, I can’t say I’m any good at being a goalie (although the Sharks are going to invite me training camp this year for sure!) or that I’ve been playing for very long (just barely 3 years now), but I can say that I’ve been averaging 3 – 5 games per week and that’s a lot of time spent sitting back there in my little crease with nothing to do but think and occasionally get in the way of frozen rubber.
Every goalie I have met is a little bit “different” (at least that is what we tell ourselves), and we all seem to have various coping mechanisms for the good and the bad times. For instance, imagine hanging out with the guy who put 3 goals in against ya — he’s bragging about scoring 3 measly goals forgetting that you stoned him on his 15 other shots.
I am going to start up a little themed series of Goalie Thoughts. Some of these thoughts will be discussions I have had with other goalies and others will be musings. I’ve got a few ideas in mind, and I’ve been meaning to post them for quite some time.
Keep in mind that by no means are any of them “authoritative”, but they may be good reads into the mind of yours truly and how this particular goalie copes.
Happy reading!
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