Celebrating 2000!

Here’s hoping that we’ll be “out” before we hit 5000! […]

Doing Something Right!

Well, we must be doing something right.

Tummy time head lift…… oooh the Olympian effort.

Just this last weekend we celebrated our 1,000th diaper. I say celebrated, because Dagny insisted on screaming throughout the entire change, and I did a little dance with my arms in the air.

It’s also significant, because it […]

Mega Post Page — Inca Trail Hike 2005


This whole thing started back on May 17th, 2005. I had casually deleted the email from the Stanford Alumni Association figuring that neither Steph or myself could afford the trip, or that it would be of any interest to either one of us. I was so very wrong! To my amazement, the girl from […]

My First Hospital Visit (nonfiction)

I had a microdiscectomy for a monsterous prolapse (L4/L5 region) a couple of years ago. I had never been under anasthesia or stayed in a hospital before. Here’s a firsthand account of what it’s all about. I wrote this just after my back surgery and my first ever hospital stay. Although I was hopped up […]