10 frames-per-second Poke Check

Once again, time to thank Jason Molenda for taking the following photos.

This is a sequence that Jason shot at 10 frames per second — with a kick butt camera in a dark hockey rink. I think I had just finished a butterfly slide and generated a juicy rebound. Note the glove hand and how I seem to be leaving it behind me as I lunge forward (bad habit). There are probably lots of other bad habits in there, too….

Continue reading 10 frames-per-second Poke Check

Another quick hockey post

Time for another quick share of some hockey photos. Let’s see, I’ve been playing for about 2 years now. My kickers are a little less than one year old now. Then, back on my birthday last year, I got my brand new Smith Hockey glove and blocker to match the leg pads. Continue reading Another quick hockey post

Quick Hockey Update

8/23/2006 & 9/24/2006

So…it’s been nearly forever since I’ve updated anything. Life for me right now seems to consist of my startup and hockey (not that I’m complaining!).

So, I figured this would be a good chance to share some photos. I’ve been playing in net for just over a year now and am having a blast. My back is doing outstanding-ly-er and I’m more flexible than I’ve ever been. Continue reading Quick Hockey Update

Mega Post Page — Inca Trail Hike 2005


This whole thing started back on May 17th, 2005. I had casually deleted the email from the Stanford Alumni Association figuring that neither Steph or myself could afford the trip, or that it would be of any interest to either one of us. I was so very wrong! To my amazement, the girl from Florida who had never been south of the equator (let alone out of the country) was seriously considering it (note: this same girl-from-florida also loves sushi and now plays ice-hockey—go figure). We knew that these trips sold out and had to act quickly. Could we afford it? Was the timing right? Could we manage the details? Would we ever have this opportunity again? (Yes, Yes, Yes, Not Really). Within a few days we had our deposit wired and were confirmed for the trip. Within 2 weeks all 30 spots were sold out. We were on the trail 4 months later.


Denver Hockey Tourney


Well…it’s off to Denver for Steph’s women’s hockey tournament. Boarded the plane in rainy-nasty San Jose and sat down next to a woman who was so filled with self importance that she had a once sided conversation on her cell phone un until they they started taxiing. We heard about her trip to the Netherlands, her 10 million dollar proposal, and how she did something for some guy and he certainly isn’t going to forget about it. This lady was annoying and loud. She just kept yapping—I’m positive that the person on the other end of the deal had already hung up the phone. Cheez.

Continue reading Denver Hockey Tourney

Vegas Women’s Hockey Tourney

Back from a weekend in Vegas, and what a weekend it was. Got to be the “hockey wife” and watch my gf and The Burninators (Strongbad reference) make it all the way to the finals. The Vegas Women’s Hockey Invitational (or whatever it’s called) had 6 divisions (each with about 5 teams). Lot’s of hockey all weekend long (total of 5 games in <70 hours!)
Continue reading Vegas Women’s Hockey Tourney

Wedding Board Update

Here’s an awesome photo of an open board with 7 pegs in each of the 7 color modes. And here is another picture showing the top and the power switch.

The Pegs for The Wedding Board were quite the work. To this date, over 100 Pegs have been constructed in various forms. They turned out to be quite the development board for the Atmel ATTiny12 microcontroller. Here is a closeup of the microcontroller side of the Peg. This PCB is small enough to fit inside an RCA plug and still have room on the back side for an ISP connector.

The Pegs are “programmed” through power cycling numerous times at a fairly rapid rate. Although possible to do by hand, a “Programmer Board” was included with The Wedding Board. In addition to being able to simultaneously program 3 pegs, there’s a mode-chart, a mode selection switch and a push-to-program button. Here is the “Programmer Board” photo.

Still confused what this all does??? I put together several videos. Head to the Wedding Board area, or go directly to the Movies section.

Cribbage Board #10 Completed!

I am pleased to announce the completion of Cribbage Board #10. It has taken 3.5 years of hard work and dedication.

The first completed Wedding Board was “shipped” on 4/16. The second was “shipped” on 6/12. Documentation was assembled and completed on 6/25 (for a design contest).

Check back soon for more pictures and documents and videos of the completed Wedding Boards.

Thanks to all those that have helped and offered support along the way (especially Steph…for thousands of reasons).

Special thanks to:

  • Shannon Gomes (firmware)
  • Stan Haladus (CNC metalwork).

Memorial Day Backpacking Pictures

Pictures from our Memorial Day Hiking Trip are up and are posted here.

To get to the Carr-Feely Lake Area, take Hwy80 East towards Reno. Just after Emigrant Gap exit on Hwy 20. After a few miles downhill, take the really sharp right onto Bowman Lake Road. From there, follow the signs to Carr-Feely Lake.

My First Hospital Visit (nonfiction)

I had a microdiscectomy for a monsterous prolapse (L4/L5 region) a couple of years ago. I had never been under anasthesia or stayed in a hospital before. Here’s a firsthand account of what it’s all about.  I wrote this just after my back surgery and my first ever hospital stay. Although I was hopped up an vicodin and valium at the time, it was remarkably coherent. I have not changed or in any way altered this true story. Enjoy!

Continue reading My First Hospital Visit (nonfiction)